②Only when it is more costly to keep up a building or a district should town and city planners consider redevelopment as an option.3.连接性佳What is needed, therefore, is ...
比如: Ad is an effect way to develop economy. As is calculated by the Statistic Bureau of China, 80% of the products in China are promoted and marketed by ads, which has br...
埃里克·约翰逊:我就从合理路径、组合偏好和架构目标这几个要素来谈谈。 首先,合理路径要帮助选择者确定决策时需要关注哪些选项和信息,并引导他们更好地将得到的信息综合到一起,其中特...
58. 能妥协就妥协。不能妥协就坚决不妥协。即使每个人都告诉你,某个错误想法是对的,你也应该坚持自己的看法。即使全世界都让你去做某件事,你都应该像棵树一样扎根在真理之下,并告诉...
如果不得不上班,就高强度地工作一段非常短的时间。 然后什么都不做,直到完全恢复,并期待重来一次。 而不是在磨洋工、摸鱼中消耗自己。 如果想要开启人生的另一种可能,那么就在确保杠铃...